Meet the happy paws heroes


she/her, they/them

Lin has always loved hanging out with dogs since before she can remember. We joke her first word was “dog” even before mama. She has a soft spot for Samoyed and Shepherd breeds but needless to say she loves them all. Lin is especially passionate about taking great photos for our clients and considers themselves a creative individual in all they do.



Frin loves big dogs, small dogs, and is especially great with our “naughty” dogs. He has a unique way of understanding the dogs many others misunderstand. Frin is passionate about learning dog behaviour and is always stopping to say hi to dogs no matter where he is. He believes that every dog is special in their own way, but his favourite dog is Hank, a Bull Arab.



Tina is featured here getting Boxer cuddles from her ‘cousins’ Adelaide and Venezia who are currently in training with HPWT to become certified therapy dogs. Don’t let the wheelchair fool you, Tina lives with SMA, a disease that affects her muscles but her brain is supercharged. Tina is behind the scenes at Happy Paws taking care of Admin tasks and ensuring our invoices get issued. Whilst Tina loves dogs, she’s a cat person at heart, having recently gotten her own kitten Kitana. She’s very excited to be a part of the team and loves working for a business that involves dogs and actively supports disabilities.



Elliot is the founder and owner of HPWT. Featured here with his giant dog Loki, the chief branch manager. Loki was a rescue dog who struggled with reactivity towards motorbikes. Elliot’s desire to understand and help Loki overcome this is the inspiration behind the training he does. Elliot is dog mad, most of his clothing features dogs and what doesn’t is covered in dog “glitter” anyway. Elliot holds a Cert III in Animal Training and is just weeks away from graduating with a Cert IV in Animal Training and Behaviour. Whilst Elliot loves all dogs he has a soft spot for the large breeds and has a unique and special connection with dogs with reactivity issues.


he/him, they/them

Leaf holds a Cert III in Animal Studies and is qualified in Dog CPR. Leaf isn’t able to have a dog where they live but says their favourite pup is Milo, pictured here. Milo is Leaf’s neighbours assistance dog. Leaf grew up surrounded by working breeds but has a special affection for Shepherd breeds.



Leticia is sadly not often seen around Happy Paws after working for us while she studied a double degree in Nursing and Midwifery. Pictured here with her beloved Zarah, who is the assistant branch manager to Loki. Zarah and Loki, and indeed Elliot and Leticia have been friends since the pups were about 8 months old. Zarah is a superpower when it comes to helping reactive dogs and is often utilised by Elliot for training sessions. Leticia is also used to help manage when we train with multiple dogs. While Leticia loves all dogs it’s the German Shepherds who have her heart.